Feb 4 2002, 12:11 pm
I need to know the movement code for tank. You know the one where you turn when you press left r right and up makes you go in the diretion you turned. Please help me.
In response to Deadron
I did read it but I can't get it.
In response to Freeker
In response to Cinnom
OK I Know how it works. I just can't get it to work without making Dream seeker frieze up on me. And just plain work at all for that matter.
client.West() turn(WEST, 45) client.East() turn(EAST, 45) something like that but that acctually works. |
In response to Freeker
Not quite, I think you're just using turn() incorrectly. Something like this should work (untested):
client East() usr.dir = turn(usr.dir, -45) West() usr.dir = turn(usr.dir, 45) turn() returns a direction that you want assigned to your user's direction. You set the first argument of turn() to usr.dir to set where it turns from, and then the angle for turning. |
In response to Cinnom
Thanks alot this has ben very agravating.
Read the F1 documentation about the client direction and move functions.