I add verb (actualy proc) successfuly, but have problems removing it.
-=Here is code=-
verbs += /mob/player/proc/Join //This works fine
return ..()
verbs -= /mob/player/proc/Join //Wrong ?
-=End of code=-
I see "Join" verb as I start the game, so Login() works.
I am able to call Join() proc too, even "wrong" line works
(I checked verbs list, "Join" verb is removed after first call of proc Join()).
In this code, I'm able to call Join() multiple times...
What I'm doing wrong ?
I'm using BYOND v.306 for windows.
![]() Feb 8 2002, 8:11 pm
I'm just learning BYOND.
From documentation: -=begin=- Possible values: -1 to 10 [...] A value of -1 turns off the map display altogether -=end=- So I assumed, that I _must_ set view to -1 value. (what for -1 value is if not for text games ?) |
-=begin=- Good question. I just tested it out and they seem to do the exact same thing. I haven't actually tested code with these possabilities so there may be side effects to either of them. Hopefully we can get Deadron, Dan, or Tom to answer this question. Or I suppose anyone who knows the answer. The only difference I can see is that setting view = -1 changes the defaults for view(), oview(), ect. but I don't know why you'd use those procs in a text mud anyway... |
-=Start of code=-
view = -1 // This is the reason !
-=End of the code=-
I'm writing a text game, so using manual (supplyed with BYOND) I disabled graphics (view=-1) and now adding or removing verbs do not work ! (Login() seems to be an exception)
There is some kind of refresh missing...
view=0 (and possibly higher values) makes my life abit easier...
Why I born to be programmer !?....... :\