alert("Alfonzo:Look Bob, The Yeti Has my stick,")
alert("Give my stick back!")
alert("Penguin:You want this stick back?")
alert("Penguin throws it into water")
alert("Haha! Why don't you go and get it then?")
alert("You broke my STIIICK!")
for(var/mob/Alfonzo/A as mob in view())
A.icon_state = "*"
usr.icon_state = "o"
Ok, So when you press Numpad 9, It calls Scene 2 and warps you to Map 4, Where Alfonzo(Npc) goes SSJ.
The Errors:
#1)You dont warp to map 4, you dont warp at all.
#2)Instead of Alfonzo going SSJ, you do.
#2a)Alfonzo is also a PC, so that may change stuff
#3)There is no #3! Yay! ^_^
![]() Mar 24 2002, 8:10 pm
FireEmblem wrote:
client Why is usr in your proc? Who are you assuming usr to be here? Northeast is a client proc, so what you really want is to reference the client's mob: client Northeast() mob.icon_state = "o" mob.Move(locate(1,1,4)) mob.Scene2() |
You are using Move() to get to map 4. Any number of things can stop a Move from working. Most likely there is a dense object at that location, or you have overidden Move() and your new Move() routine isn't allowing the move.
if the player is a /mob/Alfonzo, the first one it finds in view() will be the player. (view() seems to start with the center and add things roughly in order of distance.) Try oview() instead.