world<<"[usr] clicked [M]"
Ok, when I do this it says
FireEmblem clicked Spells(Name of statpanel,and variable that Fire falls under) How dya make it so you can 'click' a mob in oview(3)?
Click() already has a specific set of arguments. If you want to click a mob within oview(3), you have to make it so you can click a mob, then test if it is in oview(3).

if(src in oview(3))
usr << "[src] is in range."
usr << "[src] is too far away."

Checking range and view is always a good idea anyway, because it is possible to trick BYOND into thinking you've clicked things that you can't even see.
In response to Shadowdarke
Checking range and view is always a good idea anyway, because it is possible to trick BYOND into thinking you've clicked things that you can't even see.

Foomer and I had fun with that yesterday. =)