Ok, In my game, I want it so there are different layers,(Would've been easier if Nadrew's Layer System Inlcuded the code!) But Heres what I mainly need:
Walking on different layers and this:
usr.density = 0**
usr.layer = 5**
usr.icon_state = "Jump"
usr.icon_state = ""
usr.density = 1**
usr.layer = 4*
*How do I make it so if there are objects below you, you do not go back to layer 4, but to the layer the object is on?
**Will these affect it?
And will this be a reasonable thing to land on?
icon = 'Skgn.dmi'
layer = 5
Or should there be density??
Mar 27 2002, 7:20 pm
1) The code is a mess;
2) It was made to prove someone wrong so I didn't feel it needed the source.