OK... get ready! I have an attack verb which is:
verb/Attack(var/mob/M in oview(1)) //attack a mob within 1 tile of you
set category = "Battle"
if(damage <= 0)
usr << "You attack [M]!" //send this message to the usr
M << "[usr] attacks you for [damage] damage!" //send this message to the mob
usr << "[damage] damage!" //tell the damage to the usr
What i would like to do is change or have 2 different endings for a death of a character.

for another human player.. when 2 humans r fighting and one dies it will go to deathcheck which is:
DeathCheck()//checks to see if an attack is deadly
if (HP <= 0) //if the defender's HP is low enough...
world << "\blue [src] \green dies!" //do the death messaging

it would, if im correct, send them to 33,7,1 with there health full
BUT!...... if your are training against a boxing bag type character that is stable and doesnt move, you get plus 1 exp for every time you attack it. so i tried this:

if(istype(src, /mob/training1))
if(src.HP <= 0)
usr.EXP += 1

why does this not work and it sends the bag to 33,7,1 and not have its own death..????


note: if this is unclear, reply saying that it is...
DarkFireball wrote:
OK... get ready! I have an attack verb which is:
verb/Attack(var/mob/M in oview(1)) //attack a mob within 1 tile of you
set category = "Battle"
if(damage <= 0)
usr << "You attack [M]!" //send this message to the usr
M << "[usr] attacks you for [damage] damage!" //send this message to the mob
usr << "[damage] damage!" //tell the damage to the usr
What i would like to do is change or have 2 different endings for a death of a character.

for another human player.. when 2 humans r fighting and one dies it will go to deathcheck which is:
DeathCheck()//checks to see if an attack is deadly
if (HP <= 0) //if the defender's HP is low enough...
world << "\blue [src] \green dies!" //do the death messaging

it would, if im correct, send them to 33,7,1 with there health full
BUT!...... if your are training against a boxing bag type character that is stable and doesnt move, you get plus 1 exp for every time you attack it. so i tried this:

if(istype(src, /mob/training1))
if(src.HP <= 0)
usr.EXP += 1

why does this not work and it sends the bag to 33,7,1 and not have its own death..????


note: if this is unclear, reply saying that it is...

I usualy use:
//do the player death proc
//do the Punching Bag Death Proc

however this might be out of date(or not work at all
In response to Pillsverry
Im lost u didnt explain in detail what do u put in between if and else???

if(src.client) //what the heck is client!?!??!
//what goes here??? example code....
//and also here

I want a few so that *IF* player dies he gets his health back and gets warped to the inn 33,7,1

I want a death proc so that *IF* training bag gets hit(because it has 1 health it dies every hit) to get one exp


In response to DarkFireball
DarkFireball wrote:
Im lost u didnt explain in detail what do u put in between if and else???

if(src.client) //what the heck is client!?!??!
//what goes here??? example code....
//and also here
okay, well,

this line means, if the src has a client(or is a player)

"//what goes here??? example code...."
like i said, you put the code that warps the user and gives him his health

this is if the src doesnt have a client(or isnt a player)

"//and also here"
you put the code to delete the NPC or whatever you want ot do to it
In response to Pillsverry
EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!!