Hello.. I was wondering if there was anyways to add in some coding (or take out) the part of the game where if you backclick yourself or another player, a menu comes up.. Truthfully its because I have players that are two spaces tall, so if someone could tell me a way to edit the picture that shows up next to the name in that box, I'd be most appreciative...
MaNiAcK wrote:
Hello.. I was wondering if there was anyways to add in some coding (or take out) the part of the game where if you backclick yourself or another player, a menu comes up.. Truthfully its because I have players that are two spaces tall, so if someone could tell me a way to edit the picture that shows up next to the name in that box, I'd be most appreciative...

What's a "backclick"?
In response to Spuzzum
He might mean 'rightclick.'
Ah (thanks for the explanation, Mertek).

There currently isn't any way to change the icon that appears in that right-click list, though it has been requested before. =)

And the ability to change the right-click altogether has also been requested before. Dagnabbit.