Apr 7 2002, 9:13 am
It doesn't show any errors when I compile, but I cannot pick up any objects within the game...please help.
Apr 7 2002, 9:14 am
show your code no one can help you unless you post the code
Here is a verb that will move all obj to you.
mob/verb/Get(obj/O as obj in usr.loc) O.Move(usr) |
In response to Super16
Here is a verb that will move all obj to you. No, that will only get the first obj available. |
In response to Spuzzum
Yea I know, I was going to add a for loop but I had a quick change in mind.
In response to Soccerguy13
O.K here it is:
obj verb get() set src in oview(1) I'm not sure if I need to add anything so any help would be hugely appreciated! |
In response to Martyn747
Martyn747 wrote:
O.K here it is: Almost there... obj verb get() set src in oview(1) if(Move(usr)) usr << "You get [src]." oview(usr) << "[usr] gets [src]." |
In response to Skysaw
Thanks, I'm trying it out now!