How do I make my Turn Based battle system:

Have 1 map for each person(Ex:Map005_Battle, Always go there to battle, but..cant see the other peoples and I edit the Z?)
My pet wont die:
if(src.Hp <= 0)
if(src.pet1 == 1)
world<<"[src] died!"
alert("Sorry 'bout the no save feature!")
else if(src.pet1 == 0)
if(SmD == 1)
else if(usr.SmD == 0)
alert("[] died!")
usr.SmD = 1

Ok, Pet info on Greenlimes demo,
SmD means Smifflion dead...
var/Btl = rand(1,20)
if(Btl <= 15)
else if(Btl >= 15)
if( == 1)
var/Enem = rand(1,100)
if(Enem >= 50)
usr.Enemie = new/mob/Skren(locate(5,8,5))
usr.EHp = 100
else if(Enem <= 50)
usr.Enemie = new/mob/Kann(locate(5,8,5))
usr.EHp = 300
usr.XYZ = usr.loc
usr.loc = locate(5,3,5) = locate(6,3,5)
alert("[usr.Enemie] appears!")
alert("You attack!")
var/damage = rand(1,10)
s_damage(usr.Enemie, damage, "#FFCCCC")
usr.EHp -= damage
if(usr.EHp <= 0)
else if(usr.EHp >= 0)
if(usr.SmD == 0)
alert("[]'s turn!")
switch(input("Choose a command!")in list("Attack","Slap"))

Thats snippet of battle
plz help!

<font color = red>TV PUPPET PALS!
In response to The Machine Gun
<font color = red>Very immature Spammer-ism...Dork.
In response to The Machine Gun
Please don't post anything unless you have something worth saying.
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
Please don't post anything unless you have something worth saying.

Well, I suppose that if he continues, he'll be forced not to post anything.
In response to FireEmblem
Ya Fool! I am almighty! I am Dantom's eeevil twins!
Dean Todd! Deantodd!!!!!! AHHAHAAAA!!
In response to The Machine Gun
You mean that little mutant kid who resembles both Dan and Tom, and who the two of them agreed to lock in the Dantom dungeon and feed liver every day for the rest of eternity? I feel sorry for you. Please go away now.