(See the best response by A.T.H.K.)
Long title. But has anybody managed to get this to work on the latest, if not beta build on linux? (Ubuntu Server, mainly).
Whenever I run it with that parameter, it just freezes up the whole thing and it doesn't ever start. So I can't really debug the crashed I'm experiencing. Which is quite annoying :\
Best response
Just for anyone who doesn't know,

Added the option -unsafe_diag to unblock SIGUSR2 even during lengthy I/O or possible infinite loop situations. Ordinarily, the signal may be blocked during this time to prevent it from interrupting a system call. It is generally not advisable to run all the time with this option due to the risk of interrupted system call. But if the game is behaving strangely and DreamDaemon does not respond to SIGUSR2 (a likely sign of an infinite loop), this option may help.

root@backup:/home/Wargames# ls
Wargames.dmb  Wargames.log  Wargames.rsc  wargames.htm
root@backup:/home/Wargames# DreamDaemon Wargames.dmb 1134 -unsafe_diag
Mon Feb 10 18:07:06 2014
Auto-safety mode: safe (working directory access)
World opened on network port 1134.
Welcome BYOND! (5.0 Public Version 503.1224)
<font color=#607B8B>World started up on: Mon Feb 10 18:07:31 2014
<b>Guest-692904617 left the War games !

Confirmed game Wargames by Acebloke is working.
I know what the function does, I was in need of it to backtrace a crash I've been having.
But I guess I'll have to dig around some more and see if it may be related to me.

I found this:
And the last two, SIGSEGV and SIGBUS can be used without the need of said parameter. So I'm good for now.
In response to Laser50
Laser50 wrote:
I know what the function does

.. Yep which is why I said ..

Just for anyone who doesn't know

I found this:
And the last two, SIGSEGV and SIGBUS can be used without the need of said parameter. So I'm good for now.

Okie dokie.