(See the best response by Rickoshay.)
Problem description:
I want to make a NPC that randomly walks around but I have no idea how
Within DreamMaker in the Help tab, you can discover how to use a proc called "step_rand".. It is used to take a random step of either 8 directions, or if you want them to wander, you can use "walk_rand" using either of those linked to ur NPC's will do as your are looking for.
try this


goto start

Well, I put start and goto start because I want the NPC to change his movement direction every X seconds. I don't want him to just change his movement when he bumps into an obstacle...
Best response
I'd highly recommend you check out Enemy AI by Forum_account. It's a great step by step follow through, it teaches you how to start NPC AI and expand on it as well. Helped me understand Dream Maker a lot better as well.
oh why can't I use goto in New()?
oh i see... thanks :)