Descriptive Problem Summary: I'm an admin and common player of Sigrogana Legend 2, I've noticed, during random times when playing the game, the map and all of the .dmi files freeze for players and they cannot see where they are going when using the movement keys (Up/Down/Left/Right, ASWD). I don't have a clue what causes it, but it happens at random times, and you'll notice because any animated .dmis will stop moving, or when you try to move, your mob stays in one spot.
This is not the only resource related (in my thoughts) bug we've occurred, but those are for other topics.
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem: Relogging into the game and rebooting dream seeker from the hub.
Expected Results: Map function to have the camera follow the mob you are controlling.
Actual Results: The map freezes and does not do anything at all.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Commonly, but not all the time.
In other games? Do not know, haven't played many other Byond games.
In other user accounts? Yes
On other computers? Yes
When does the problem NOT occur? Randomly.
Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? It happened in earlier versions, everything from 5.0 and up.
Workarounds: Restarting dream seeker.
![]() Feb 8 2014, 5:17 pm
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Yeah, we sometimes get commands and inputs to stop working. There are times when not even the movement keys work and it doesn't have a specific trigger that I'm aware of.
Does this happen for all players at once, or only for individual players? There's a known and longstanding bug that has caused this for individual connections in the past. If it's happening for everyone, is that only when threaded mode is on?
It happens for individual connections at random times, and as far as I'm aware, it doesn't happen for everyone at the exact same time, just seems to happen to everyone separately from time to time.
I don't know anything about the way the game I play is coded, so I can't give you any information on threaded mode. |
Marking this as Unverified for the time being, pending a reproducible test case. SS13 has been known to have this issue on and off for ages, as have some other games, but we've never found a cause beyond the client connection experiencing a glitch.
Eternia players are also experiencing this but I can't provide any information on the trigger, sorry.
I will add that it's relatively uncommon, but still does happen. |
The only thing I can add, at the moment, since I don't know much about DM or the specifics of DS that well yet; I just had it happen to me a few moments ago in game.
* I had been logged into the game for a while, perhaps 30 minutes or more. * All of the visual of my map froze, this includes .dmis with animations as well as icon changes, etc. * I could still move because I moved into a building while it was raining in game, meaning the volume of the sfx decreased to symbolize this, and I was standing next to the entrance so I knew where to go. My map didn't update when I switched locs through x,y,z variables either. * Disconnecting from the DS client and logging back into the game fixes this. Generally, the only way I know how to reproduce this is just to be logged on for a while, I'd say maybe 30 minutes, or to a few hours, and it will happen, but even then it's not that often so even that isn't guaranteed, but that's the best way to see any changes or problems with the map. If I find anything else, I'll try to let you know ASAP. |
I just encountered another error with this. I still do not know what causes it, but when the map freezes, if you open anything that loads an image, including .dmis, they do not load until the client is closed and then re-joins the game.
From what I gather, this is the result of .dmis and images not being properly loaded for some reason. I say this because I opened a window in the game and noticed the .dmis for all the items in the list did not display the same time the map stopped freezing, despite I could actually alter my x,y,z. |
I'm "resurrecting" this post because I've been seeing this happening to me and to other players. If, for example, the map freezes for me and I try to move around, other players may see me moving around. While "you" might think this freezes the client itself, it just freezes the map for the client.. outputs and macros are still functional when this happens.
But can you reproduce the issue reliably? The reason this issue (and the others like it) hasn't gone anywhere is because it's darn hard to catch it in action when a debugger is actually hooked up to it.
Lummox JR wrote:
But can you reproduce the issue reliably?That's why it's so "darn hard to catch it". It usually happens when I'm not even paying attention to the dreamseeker itself. I give it around 2 minutes and it happens(and not always). I don't believe there is a "reliable" way to reproduce it yet... unless somebody else speaks up. Edit: The game does not have to be played online when it happens... just saying in case that a small detail like that means something. |
Just in case it's related. I was playing SS13 recently and all of a sudden everything slowed down and I couldn't input any commands. Finally it just stopped and froze. My internet connection was fine and the server went on without me just fine too.
I wasn't able to reconnect for maybe 5 minutes and ended up having to turn off the dream seeker and relaunch the game many times until it finally worked. |
I can add also to this, everything works Tabs even Chat is active only thing that doesnt work is the Map it stays frozen only way to get out of it is to fully relog the game. It only happends once in awhile though not all the time.
Yeah. It's happened to me as well. Everything except trying to control your mob will work. You can even chat. I think it's definitely a desynch issue, where the client half disconnects, possibly a silent runtime of a sort.
| ( this thread should be added on to this thread or wtv)
It hasn't happened to me in a long while in ss13, especially after lummox betas, just was putting in my experiences with it.
In case this helps the "investigation", and even though it doesn't show any visual debugging error, I did notice that while you're playing "the game" it does not freeze... you just stand still, minimize or just go look through other windows and come back to the dream seeker: that's when it happens.
It might or might not be helpful, but every detail I find; every detail I post. |
I switched to hosting my server exclusively with Dream Daemon and haven't experienced the issue since though.