The code is as follows, but nothing but the rejuvination is executed.
icon = 'life.dmi'
set src in oview(1)
if(usr.HP == 100)
usr << "You can't be any stronger!"
usr << "You heal!"
usr.HP = 100
world << "[usr] is invigerated!"
src.icon = 'fairy.dmi'
usr << "Fare thee well, and look for my brothers and sisters..."
The last line will not execute because you have already deleted the potion. Once an object is deleted, all running procs it owns will terminate.

Just switch the last two lines.

By the way, why does the potion's icon change to 'fairy.dmi' just before you delete it?? Sounds like a strange potion indeed!
In response to Skysaw
Hmm... Good point, Skysaw. I'll have to put a sleep between the deleting and the icon changing.