Time to skip the small talk and chatting, all you gurus out there, and non gurus, whoever you are.(I just read an old thread a bit ago... amazing what arguments are over...)
//blah blah blah... to here, there are humans, same code, but switch each Elf for Human and remove Elvish
icon_state = "Elf"
usr.Languages = list("Common","Elvish")
usr.CurrentSpeak = "Common"
Say(msg as text)
if(usr.CurrentSpeak in src.Languages)
view(6) << "[src] says, '[msg]' in [src.CurrentSpeak]"
src << "[usr.name] says something in an unknown tongue..."
var/LanguageChoice = input("What language do you wish to speak?") in list ("Common","Elvish")
if(LanguageChoice == "Common")
if("Common" in usr.Languages)
usr.CurrentSpeak = "Common"
usr << "You can't speak this language!"
if(LanguageChoice == "Elvish")
//same thing with Elvish as Common
CurrentSpeak = "Common"
Languages = list("Common")
All summed up, my language is understandable by anyone when I speak, I have Common as Human language, and Elvish and Common for Elves. How do I get it so only select people who know Elvish understand it? There has to be something wrong that I'm missing. Thanks.
![]() Jun 24 2002, 9:44 am
Tankies Lummox, like I said, I was missing something, who knew it would be something not too hard, but not too easy. Well, thanks again.
The main problem is, in an ordinary Say() verb, src and usr are the same. (You should have "set src=usr" in there.) You only check if a language is accessible once, and if it is, then everybody in view sees it whether they speak it or not. The trick is, you have to make it check through everyone in view, which means you need a loop.
Lummox JR