This code says:
world << "[usr] has logged in!"
usr.Alignment = rand(1,2)
if(usr.Alignment == 1)
usr.icon = 'Goku.dmi'
say(msg as text)
world << "[usr]: [msg]!"
usr.icon = 'evil.dmi'
say(msg as text)
world << "[usr]: [msg]!"
Errors: 9: error:proc definition not allowed inside another proc. (BTW, this is the first lines)
Errors: 19: unbalanced }, but it flags the mob before var.
Jun 29 2002, 2:25 am
In response to Shun Di
Why do you have 2 say verbs anyway? Seems kinda silly to me.
In response to ADDiCt
LoL, <font size = 7>WOOT WOOT</font>, I just thought I should leave what he put on his origional post(there could be some top secret evil master plan behind those 2 say verbs, you never know),<font size = 7>WOOT WOOT</font>.
In response to Shun Di
Shun Di wrote:
Drafonis wrote:I meant that is was a complicated function. |
Why are you trying to declare say verbs in the middle of the Login() proc? That's just not how it works, sorry.
The proper way to declare a say verb: <code>mob/verb/say(message as text) world << "[src]: [message]"</code> Your Login() proc should look like this: <code>mob/Login() // Don't don't build another DBZ game world << "[usr] has logged in!" // Don't don't build another DBZ game usr.Alignment = rand(1,2) // Don't don't build another DBZ game if(usr.Alignment == 1) // Don't don't build another DBZ game usr.icon = 'not_another_DBZ_game_please.dmi' // Don't don't build another DBZ game else // Don't don't build another DBZ game usr.icon // Don't don't build another DBZ game= 'i_shalt_vow_not_to_help_dbzers_code.dmi'</code> // Don't don't build another DBZ game |
In response to Foomer
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
Why are you trying to declare say verbs in the middle of the Login() proc? That's just not how it works, sorry. Oh, no. It's like EEK! He's trying to make a DBZ game with an original system! From scratch! Ah! (BTW, that was sarcasm) |
Umm, That should work, I never tested, but o whell, and BTW that was not "Extremely Complicated