If and usr.Chatlevel += 1 are errored in this code:
mob // I'm through with telling you what a "mob is, mob will be uncommented from now on
proc // This is a new one. It states that the mob is doing a proc
if(usr.Chat == 100) // States that, if the user has 100 chat points or more...
usr.Chatlevel += 1 // He gets one chat level.
You never gave it a proc name:

//do stuff

//do stuff

Drafonis wrote:
If and usr.Chatlevel += 1 are errored in this code:
mob // I'm through with telling you what a "mob is, mob will be uncommented from now on
proc // This is a new one. It states that the mob is doing a proc
if(usr.Chat == 100) // States that, if the user has 100 chat points or more...
usr.Chatlevel += 1 // He gets one chat level.

Aside from a proc name, you also should be using src if this isn't a verb.

Lummox JR