ok this time i have an overlay bug. When i get into a car it keeps the overlays. i want to make it so when you get into the cars it takes the overlays away but when you get in it puts them back. heres the code.
usr<<"You get out of your car."
usr.icon = 'car.dmi'
usr.icon_state = "blue"
usr << "You Get into your Car"
What do i do to fix this?
![]() Jul 2 2002, 8:44 am
![]() Jul 2 2002, 10:07 pm
ok that worked now i can't get the overlays to pop back up after you get out of the car. heres what the code looks like now
mob/Cars verb Get_into_Blue_Car() if(usr.incar>=1) usr.icon=usr.oicon usr.icon_state=usr.oicon_state usr<<"You get out of your car." usr.incar=0 else usr.oicon=usr.icon usr.oicon_state=usr.icon_state usr.incar=1 usr.icon = 'car.dmi' usr.icon_state = "blue" usr << "You Get into your Car" usr.overlays = null Thanks, Alienman |
you'll need to have the overlays in a list.
mob var /list/olays = list() verb get_in_car() src.icon = 'car.dmi' src.olays = src.overlays src.overlays = null You'll have to change this a bit, and find a place to put it. And just reverse this to have him get out of the car. |
so i need to make a list of overlays for my Character Selection. -_- its over 48,000 letters oh god don't say i have to make it all over -_-
Alienman |
No you shouldn't have do this make a var like a list
mob/var list/ovrlays=list() heres the verb that adds the overlays mob/verb/addoverlay() usr.ovrlays+='overlay.dmi' usr.overlays+='overlay.dmi' mob/Cars verb Get_into_Blue_Car() if(usr.incar>=1) usr.icon=usr.oicon usr.icon_state=usr.oicon_state usr<<"You get out of your car." usr.incar=0 usr.overlays+=usr.ovrlays else usr.oicon=usr.icon usr.oicon_state=usr.icon_state usr.incar=1 usr.icon = 'car.dmi' usr.icon_state = "blue" usr << "You Get into your Car" usr.overlays = null also dont forget when you get rid of the overlays use usr.ovrlays-='overlay.dmi' |
its still leaving the overlays off when i get out of the car. heres a piece of the Character Selection
if("Light") character = new /mob/Light() switch(input("What color do you want your shirt to be?","character") in list("White", "Orange", "Yellow", "Gray", "Black", "Blue", "Red", "Green")) if("Yellow") character.overlays += 'Yellow Shirt.dmi' switch(input("What Color do you want your Pants to be?","character") in list("White", "Gray", "Black", "Blue")) if("Gray") character.overlays += 'Gray Pants.dmi' switch(input("What Color do you want your Hair to be? (MORE SOON!)","character") in list("Green", "Blonde", "Black", "Red")) if("Blonde") character.overlays += 'Blonde Hair.dmi' switch(input("Do you want a face icon?", "Face Icon",text) in list("Yes","No")) if("Yes") var/econ = input("Pick icon:","Icon") as icon character.faceicon = econ There is a LOT more than that. It is taking the overlays off when i get out of the car insead of putting them back. Alienman |
try something like this
mob/loginchara var/pants var/shirt var/chara Login() var/charaname=input("What is your desired name?",Name?")as text switch(input("What skin color do you want")in list("Light","Dark") if("Light") chara=/mob/Light() switch(input("Which shirt color do you want","Shirt color")in list("Red","Black")) if("Red") chara.shirt='redshirt.dmi' if("Black") chara.shirt='blackshirt.dmi' switch(input("Which pants color do you want","Pants color")in list("Red","Black")) if("Red") chara.pants='redpants.dmi' if("Black") chara.pants='blackpants.dmi' chara.ovrlays+=pants chara.ovrlays+=shirt chara.overlays+=pants chara.overlays+=shirt chara.name=charaname client.mob=chara client.mob=chara I don't know if that's right but you can fix it |
no way am i doing that since my ull character selection is over 150,000 letters now. what i'll just do is amke the car an overlay but the cars will be big enough to cover the character and look bad. Oh well.
Alienman |