var/obj/S = input("Technique to Use?","Tech")in src.techs
src.gah = S
if(S.vigor != 1)
src << "You use [S], which has an aliment of [S.ali], and a power of [S.power]"
src.choice = S.ali
src.blam = S.power
var/mob/M = src.opponent
if(M.chosen == 0)
src << "Waiting for [M] to choose a technique."
src.chosen = 1
if(M.chosen == 1 && src.chosen == 1)
M << "You use [M.gah] with [M.blam] power and an aliment of [M.choice]"
src << "You use [src.gah] with [src.blam] power and an aliment of [src.choice]"
src << "[src.opponent] uses [M.gah] with [M.blam] power and an aliment of [M.choice]"
M << "[M.opponent] use [src.gah] with [src.blam] power and an aliment of [src.choice]"
if(src.choice == "Rock" && M.choice == "Scissors" || src.choice == "Scissors" && M.choice == "Paper" || src.choice == "Paper" && M.choice == "Rock") // Player 1 winning combos. Rock/Scissors, Scissors/Paper, Paper/Rock.
view(1,src) << "[src]'s [src.choice] aliment attack beats [M]'s [M.choice] aliment attack!"
var/ouchies = src.blam - M.blam
if(ouchies <= 0)
ouchies = 1
M.Life -= ouchies
if(M.Life <= 0)
world << "[M] is defeated!"
src.frozen = 0
M << "Next round.."
src << "Next Round.."
if(M.choice == "Rock" && src.choice == "Scissors" || M.choice == "Scissors" && M.choice == "Paper" || M.choice == "Paper" && src.choice == "Rock") // The other winning combo for M.
view(1,src) << "[M]'s [M.choice] aliment attack beats [src]'s [src.choice] aliment attack!"
var/ouchies = M.blam - src.blam
if(ouchies <= 0)
ouchies = 1
src.Life -= ouchies
if(src.Life <= 0)
world << "[src] is defeated!"
M.frozen = 0
M << "Next round.."
src << "Next round.."
src << "Vigor Techs aren't quite in. Choose another technique please."
The challenge verb calls that proc for both people, but the person using the verb gets to choose it for both people? Please help me find out whyyyyy
Jul 29 2002, 2:51 pm
Because input() sends the box to usr by default, and you have to specifically override that if you want to do it differently. The value of usr will be the same when the proc is first called as when it's called for the challengee. In this case I think you want to be using src as the target for input().
Lummox JR