I need help with only letting the first person logging in to recieve HOST Verbs, of now everyone who logs in recieve them, can someone paste a code here to only allow the first one who logged in HOSTING Verbs? this is what I have soo far...

if(people<maxpeople)//if the amount of people in the world is less then 50
if(people==0)//if your the first person
var/dbone = new /obj/dragonball/dragonball1
var/dbtwo = new /obj/dragonball/dragonball2
var/dbthree = new /obj/dragonball/dragonball3
var/dbfour = new /obj/dragonball/dragonball4
var/dbfive = new /obj/dragonball/dragonball5
var/dbsix = new /obj/dragonball/dragonball6
var/dbseven = new /obj/dragonball/dragonball7
dbone:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
dbtwo:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
dbthree:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
dbfour:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
dbfive:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
dbsix:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
dbseven:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
src.verbs += /mob/Host/verb/Boot1
src.verbs += /mob/Host/verb/Jail1
src.verbs += /mob/Host/verb/UnJail1
src.verbs += /mob/Host/verb/AdminLogout1
src.verbs += /mob/Host/verb/Reboot1
usr<<"There are too many people come back later!"//tell's the usr that there are too many people and for them to come back later
for(var/obj/dragonball/O in usr.contents)

You need to increase the 'people' var when the first player comes on too.