the errors are

loading MCU Deathmatch.dme
MCU var
MCU var

MCU Deathmatch.dmb - 2 errors, 0 warnings (double-click on an error to jump to it)

mob/verb/fire()//You can fire at walls
if(usr.ammo >=1)
new/obj/bullet(usr.loc)//makes a bullet
for(var/obj/bullet/B in usr.loc)
walk(B,usr.dir,0)//moves the bullet
del(B)//No need for it after a few seconds.

alert("You are out of ammunition!!!")

could you please fix it or tell me what is wrong with it.
new/obj/bullet(usr.loc)//makes a bullet

should be

var/obj/bullet/B = new(usr.loc)//makes a bullet
In response to Garthor
Also delete the for() line. The reason it didn't work is because you didn't indent correctly underneath for(). If you do what Garthor said (which is the correct way to do it), you won't need it anyway.
In response to Crispy
I prefer the process:

var/obj/bullet/B = new/obj/bullet
B.loc = usr.loc