I'm making a boat code and I need some help; first I need help with setting it up so that when you purchase the boat,from a boat merchant or whatever, the usr that purchases the boat can only get into the boat. So that when the boat is on the shore, I'm setting it up so when within one space of the boat and you click on it you enter it, well I wanted to set it up so that when you click the boat, if it is your boat you can get in, if not you cant get into the boat.

How would I set that? I was thinking setting a different I'd for each boat bought.
var/mob/Owner = null
if(src.Owner == usr)
else return

O.Owner = src

Should work. I think.
In response to Garthor
thanx garthor
In response to Erdrickthegreat2
not being a piss head but this belongs in newbie central.