I dont get why these arent teleporting me to the area given. I mean, I typed in 30,8,2. then stepped on the stairs and nothing happend but me walking on it...If you know whats wrong, please correct this. thanks
density = 0
var/dstx = 1
var/dsty = 1
var/dstz = 1
usr:loc = locate(dstx,dsty,dstz)
density = 0
var/dstx = 1
var/dsty = 1
var/dstz = 1
usr:loc = locate(dstx,dsty,dstz)
mob/GM/verb/mkstairs(a as num,b as num,c as num)
set category = "Admin"
var/choice = input("Up/down?") in list("Up","Down")
if(choice == "Up")
var/mob/S = new /mob/stairsup(usr.loc)
S:dstx = a
S:dsty = b
S:dstz = c
if(choice == "Down")
var/mob/S = new /mob/stairsdown(usr.loc)
S:dstx = a
S:dsty = b
S:dstz = c
Sep 22 2002, 1:40 pm
Sep 22 2002, 11:02 pm
try using Enter instead of Entered
In response to Soori-99
Soori-99 wrote:
try using Enter instead of Entered Nope, that isn't the problem. Entered() is correct for a teleport turf, and Enter() usually isn't. Lummox JR |
Branks wrote:
I dont get why these arent teleporting me to the area given. I mean, I typed in 30,8,2. then stepped on the stairs and nothing happend but me walking on it...If you know whats wrong, please correct this. thanks Your code is deeply disturbing. You're using the : operator everywhere, which is really bad. In most of those cases it looks like you should be able to use . just as easily. But the biggest problem is usr in Entered(). Egads. No no no. Although you did put it in as an argument, what you really should do is give that argument a different name. And make it a type atom/movable, so you can use the . operator. turf/teleport Lummox JR |
In response to Lummox JR
O.o sorry for misleading you branks i was never good with turfs lol
icon='Turf.dmi' density = 0 icon_state="stairsup1" name="stairs" var/dstx = 1 var/dsty = 1 var/dstz = 1 Entered(mob/M) M.loc = locate(dstx,dsty,dstz) mob/stairsdown icon='Turf.dmi' icon_state="stairsdown1" name="stairs" density = 0 var/dstx = 1 var/dsty = 1 var/dstz = 1 Entered(mob/M) M.loc = locate(src.dstx,src.dsty,src.dstz) mob/GM/verb/mkstairs(a as num,b as num,c as num) set category = "Admin" var/choice = input("Up/down?") in list("Up","Down") if(choice == "Up") var/mob/S = new/mob/stairsup(usr.loc) S.dstx = a S.dsty = b S.dstz = c if(choice == "Down") var/mob/S = new/mob/stairsdown(usr.loc) S.dstx = a S.dsty = b S.dstz = c If you dont mind I just changed everything...should work |
In response to K'ros Trikare
lol sorry, I already figured it out after the 50th try so that code is useless. thanks anyways :)