Im trying to make a leveling system from scratch (without tutorial assistance) but when I compile my level proc the error 'error: if :extra args' comes up... Meh, if you see what the problem is tell me

Okay, the proc 'LvlCheck1()' is called...

if(usr.level == 1, exp <= next_lvl)
world << "[usr] has gained a level!"
usr.next_lvl += 100
usr.exp = 0
usr.exp_give += 10
usr.level += 1
usr.Max_PL += 50
usr.HP += 500

So if your not Level 1, it calls LvlCheck2()... So on and so forth

I would like to kindly suggest creating a level system which does not require separate code for each level unless you plan on customizing almost every level.

Usual speech: Don't use usr in procs. It is not safe. It looks like the level checking procs belong to the mobs. Use src.

As for what you actually asked for, a comma is not part of a boolean expression. Look up the && and || operators. (I'm sorry. I'd take the time to tell you which to use, but... <= made sleep deprived brain go woozy... must sleep while eyes swirl.)
Try using this instead.
if (exp == nextexp)
world << "[usr] has gained a level!"
HP += 10
def += 1
atk += 1
lvl += 1
nextexp += 50

And then in your attack code put

and make sure you have the vars exp and nextexp on your player mob section.
In response to Hazman
Hazman wrote:
Try using this instead.
if (exp == nextexp)
world << "[usr] has gained a level!"

NO! No no no no.

Do not use usr indiscriminately in procs. This should be src, since it belongs to the mob who's leveling up.

And then in your attack code put

That's only correct if the attack happens to be carried out by a verb, so usr is guaranteed to be the attacker. Most sophisticated battle systems won't work that way. And even if that's the case, then for crying out loud make this an all-mobs proc or cast usr to the specific type you want so you don't end up using the : operator--that's just shoddy code.

Lummox JR
Hey there.

Try this out for your leveling system, I know it is basic, it is also untested so if you have problems please state and I will fix it.

So, here is the leveling system with a few addons.

if(src.exp >= src.nextexp)
world << "[src] has just gained a level!"
src.next_lvl += 100
src.exp = 0
src.give_exp += 10
src.level +=1
src.Max_PL += 50
src.HP += 500
else ..()

if(src.HP > src.Max_HP) src.HP = src.Max_HP //This makes sure the players HP is not greater than their Max HP.
if(src.PL > src.Max_PL) src.PL = src.Max_PL //This makes sure the players PL is not greater than their Max PL.
if(src.PL < 0) src.PL = 0 //This makes sure that the players PL doesn't go below zero.

Don't forget to add src.StatCheck() at the very end of your mob/Stat() section in your game.

Hope that helps you out.

In response to Mellifluous
src.next_lvl should be src.nextexp there.