runtime bug... I got confused somewhere along the line
alright. I have this little bit of code... I have looked at it a million times and then I decided to check help files and demos and anything and everything I could get my hands on. The problem is, I've looked at it for so long, I can't find the problem... if someone could please tell me what is going on, I would REALLY appreciate it, thanks.
mob/proc/steal() for(var/obj/soul/M in oview(5)) var/health = M.hp%15 if(M.hp<=health) if(prob(45)) M.Move(src) sleep(5) leavebattle(src) else src << "You were unable to steal [M]'s soul!" sleep(20) deathcheck(M) else src << "[M] is resisting your power!" sleep(20) deathcheck(M)