I need help with something, I have a HOST thing, where if you're hosting...it gives you special verbs and releases stuff in the world, but it's not giving the verbs and stuff to the correct person...it gives the verbs and such to the first person who logs in first, anyone think they can solve my problem? This is currently what I have...
src.move = 1
src.ko = 0
src.blocking = 0
src.ptime = 0
src.kiin = 0
src.grav = 0
src.combo = 0
src.angered = 0
src.oicon = src.icon
src.powerlevel = src.powerlevel
src.tech = 0
src.gainzenni = 0
src.kjoke = 0
src.slap = 0
src.entime = 0
src.mooned = 0
src.gm = 0
src.sight = 0
src.kame = 0
src.overlays -= /obj/kame
src.overlays -= /obj/kame
src.overlays -= /obj/kame
src.overlays -= /obj/kame
src.overlays -= /obj/kame
src.overlays -= /obj/kame
src.focused = 0
src.spar = 0
src.icon_state = ""
src.ased = 0
src.talk = 1
src.plarper = 1
src.absorb = 0
src.flight = 0
src.tayio = 0
src.training = 0
src.density = 1
src.safe = 0
src.meditate = 0
src.medtime = 0
src.talk = 1
src.entime = 0
src.medtime = 0
src.move = 1
src:sight = 0
src.kjoke = 0
src.caught = 0
src << "Note: Dragonball Zeta Classic is in no way connected with FUNimation or Dragonball. This is only a fan game, devoted towards a game. Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT are copyrighted and productions of Akira Toriyama, Bird Studio, Pioneer Anime, Weekly Shonen Jump, and Toei Animation."
world << "{{**[src] has logged in!**}}"
if(src.key == "NeoStrider" && src.enteredg == 0)
src.powerlevel = (src.maxpowerlevel)
src.maxpowerlevel = 100000
src.will = 20
src.honor = 20
src.purity = 20
src.contents += new/obj/spiritbomb
src.contents += new/obj/Kamehameha
src.contents += new/obj/BigBang
src.contents += new/obj/worldscan
src.contents += new/obj/uniscan
src.contents += new/obj/wrap
src.contents += new/obj/kiabsorb
src.contents += new/obj/regen
src.contents += new/obj/uniscan
src.contents += new/obj/bukujutsu
src.contents += new/obj/aura
src.contents += new/obj/Kaioken
src.contents += new/obj/focus
src.contents += new/obj/telepath
src.contents += new/obj/kienzan
src.contents += new/obj/it
src.contents += new/obj/renzoku
src.contents += new/obj/kiblast
src.contents += new/obj/sbc
src.contents += new/obj/kamikaze
src.contents += new/obj/Body_Change
src.contents += new/obj/zanzoken
src.contents += new/obj/moonblast
src.contents += new/obj/eraser_cannon
src.contents += new/obj/time_freeze
src.contents += new/obj/genocide
src.enteredg +=1
if(src.gonessj == 1 && src.race == "Saiya-jin")
src.contents += new /obj/SSJ
if(people<maxpeople)//if the amount of people in the world is less then 50
if(people==0)//if your the first person
var/dbone = new /obj/dragonball/dragonball1
var/dbtwo = new /obj/dragonball/dragonball2
var/dbthree = new /obj/dragonball/dragonball3
var/dbfour = new /obj/dragonball/dragonball4
var/dbfive = new /obj/dragonball/dragonball5
var/dbsix = new /obj/dragonball/dragonball6
var/dbseven = new /obj/dragonball/dragonball7
var/hentai = new /obj/hentai1
var/hentai2 = new /obj/hentai1
var/hentai3 = new /obj/hentai1
var/hentai4 = new /obj/hentai1
var/milkman1 = new /mob/other/Milkguy1
var/milkman2 = new /mob/other/Milkguy2
var/milkman3 = new /mob/other/Milkguy3
var/milkman4 = new /mob/other/Milkguy4
var/milkman5 = new /mob/other/Milkguy5
var/milkman6 = new /mob/other/Milkguy6
var/milkman7 = new /mob/other/Milkguy7
var/milkman8 = new /mob/other/Milkguy8
var/milkman9 = new /mob/other/Milkguy9
var/milkman10 = new /mob/other/Milkguy10
var/milkman11 = new /mob/other/Milkguy11
var/milkman12 = new /mob/other/Milkguy12
var/milkman13 = new /mob/other/Milkguy13
var/tien = new /mob/other/Tienshinhan
var/chou = new /mob/other/Chouzout
var/brolly = new /mob/tester/brolly
var/krillin = new /mob/other/Krillin
var/goku = new /mob/other/Goku
var/sword = new /obj/hopesword2
var/stone01 = new /obj/stone01
var/stone02 = new /obj/stone02
var/stone03 = new /obj/stone03
var/stone04 = new /obj/stone04
dbone:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
dbtwo:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
dbthree:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
dbfour:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
dbfive:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
dbsix:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
dbseven:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
hentai:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
hentai2:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
hentai3:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
hentai4:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
milkman1:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
milkman2:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
milkman3:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
milkman4:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
milkman5:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
milkman6:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
milkman7:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
milkman8:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
milkman9:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
milkman10:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
milkman11:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
milkman12:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
milkman13:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
tien:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
chou:loc = locate(M.x+1,M.y,M.z)
brolly:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),6)
krillin:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
goku:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),7)
sword:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),1)
stone01:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),14)
stone02:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),14)
stone03:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),14)
stone04:loc = locate(rand(1,150),rand(1,150),14)
src.verbs += /mob/Host/verb/Boot1
src.verbs += /mob/Host/verb/Jail1
src.verbs += /mob/Host/verb/UnJail1
src.verbs += /mob/Host/verb/AdminLogout1
src.verbs += /mob/Host/verb/Reboot1
src.verbs += /mob/Host/verb/DestroyDragonballs
people +=2
HOST = "[usr]"
world.name= "DragonBall Zeta Classic Hosted by: [usr]"
world.status = "V.8.0 Hosted by: [usr.key]"
if(src.key == "EBMaster")
world.status = "DBZeta Classic Permanent Server Host: [usr.key]"
world.name = "DBZeta Classic Permanent Server Host: [usr]"
usr<<"There are too many people come back later!"//tell's the usr that there are too many people and for them to come back later
for(var/obj/dragonball/O in usr.contents)
![]() Oct 18 2002, 6:59 pm
Or, try the lamer way of doing it: