Im trying to shorten the way i need to create my pokemon in battles. I cant seem to get this to work.
var/pokemon = list("Bulbasuar" = new/mob/poke/bulbasuar)
pokem = pick(pokemon)
new/pokem(src.loc)//ill change the src.loc soon
M << "[pokem]"//testing purposes
How would i create a new/pokem picked from a list at the srcs loc?
Oct 22 2002, 9:36 pm
In response to Crispy
Changed it but now i get a runtime error.
runtime error: Cannot create objects of type null. proc name: BattleStart (/proc/BattleStart) usr: the guy (/mob/guy) src: null call stack: BattleStart(the guy (/mob/guy)) the guy (/mob/guy): startbattle() |
<code>var/pokemon = list("Bulbasuar" = new/mob/poke/bulbasuar)</code>
With this:
<code>var/pokemon = list("Bulbasuar" = /mob/poke/bulbasuar)</code>