When I go to run my game, and test how everything is looking, I get this error when I fill out all my Login Options, Character & Name. When the map should load, and my character and stat menus should appear, I get this message in chat area...
runtime error: Cannot modify
proc name: Login (/mob/create_character/Login)
    usr: Kamion (/mob/create_character)
    src: Kamion (/mob/create_character)
    call stack:
Kamion (/mob/create_character): Login()
What does this mean, and what should I do to fix it?
Well, theres not much we can do without seeing the codeing, so if you'd be so kind to show us the login code?
You're attempting the edit the name of a mob you have defined (var/mob/Player/P) but haven't created with new() (var/mob/Player/P = new()).
In response to K'ros Trikare
no problem, here it is...

#include <deadron/characterhandling> // Must Have Deadrons character handling im to lazy to code a whole login, but ill have one in the next version.
client/base_num_characters_allowed = 3
mob = /mob/create_character
var/charactername = input("Welcome! Please choose a name for your character! (Any names like 'SSJ3 Majin Goku' will be banned if seen by a GM!)","Character Name?",src.key)
switch(input("Now, Pick the Character You Wish To Be!","Race!") in list("Goku (Saiyajin)","Vegeta (Saiyajin)","Gohan (Half Saiyajin"))
if ("Saiyan (Goku)")
character = new /mob/goku()
if ("Saiyan (Vegeta)")
character = new /mob/vegeta() = charactername
src.client.mob = character

icon = 'goku.dmi'
icon_state = ""
str = 5 // how much strength the person will have to begin with.
HP = 10 // how much health
maxHP = 10 // max health.
def = 3 // how much Defense
gold = 8 // How much gold.
ssj = 0
icon = 'vegeta.dmi'
icon_state = ""
str = 5 // how much strength the person will have to begin with.
HP = 10 // how much health
maxHP = 10 // max health.
def = 3 // how much Defense
gold = 8 // How much gold.
ssj = 0
icon = 'gohan.dmi'
icon_state = ""
str = 5
HP = 10
maxHP = 10
def = 5
gold = 8
ssj = 0

Login() // this is so when you login, it will save your last location when you logout, and warp you back when you start.
if (world.maxx)
F["last_x"] << x
F["last_y"] << y
F["last_z"] << z
if (world.maxx)
F["last_x"] >> last_x
F["last_y"] >> last_y
F["last_z"] >> last_z
loc = locate(last_x, last_y, last_z)
src << "[usr], Welcome."
src << "Welcome to Dragonball Legends V.7.0! This version changes the whole face of Dragonball Roleplaying Games!"
In response to Kamion
The problem is where someone picks who their character is. You don't have the right selection statements for the switch and thus character is never set to anything and is null. Note: I'm just excluding the last option in the list since you don't use it, but you'll need to add another if for that.

switch(input("Now, Pick the Character You Wish To Be!","Race!") in list("Goku (Saiyajin)","Vegeta (Saiyajin)"))
//Make sure you test for the correct thing
//Names in the if's below should match the names in the list
if ("Goku (Saiyajin)")
character = new /mob/goku()
if ("Vegeta (Saiyajin)")
character = new /mob/vegeta()