Ok, when I hit a Pbag, It raises the HP, not the maxHP, and it does that only, and nothing else in the coding. please help. Here is the coding:

Punch(mob/M in oview (1))
set category = "Attacks"
if(usr.stam <= 0.5)
usr << "Too Tired!"
if(usr.stam >= 0.5)
if(istype(src, /mob/pbag/pbag1))
new /mob/pbag/pbag1
usr.exp += 2
usr.maxPL += 1
usr.str += 1
usr.def += 1
usr.maxHP += 1
usr.maxstam += 2
1. Please tell me you're only putting pbags in as a joke.

2. Replace src with M in <code>if(istype(src, /mob/pbag/pbag1))</code>

3. I assume your indentation got messed up on the forums.

4. You should really put <code>else</code> there instead of <code>if(usr.stam >= 0.5)</code>
In response to Crispy
1.Yes, My game will have A Combat Gym containing Pbags, NPC Sparring Partners, and Weights, etc.

2. Thank you for taking time to check out my post.