I've got a Send Pager thing in my game, which peeps can use, but...how do you make it so it makes it send to the recipients E-Mail if they're not on? I looked it up on HELP in DM...but, it didn't explain how to put it into coing. I'm stumped, I tried defining it into a var. Any help? here's my current code...
set name="BYOND Pager"
set desc="Send a Page to someone not in Game! Using BYOND Pager!"
set category="Communication"
var/recipient=input("What is the recipients byond key?") as text
var/msg=input("Type what you wish to say to [recipient]","Pager") as text
usr<<"-->([ReportDate(world.realtime)]) [usr.key]: [msg]"
usr<<"<--([ReportDate(world.realtime)]) [usr.key]: [msg]"
![]() Dec 22 2002, 10:59 pm
SendPage("[usr.key]:[message]",recipient,Email=0) to send it to them if they're online, or change the e-mail flag to 1 if they aren't (I'm going to use this alot in my gane if I can get it to work.)