Heres what i got. Instead of making a attack verb i'm using dbl click.

DblClick(mob in oview(1))
usr << "They are [src]"
usr.icon_state = "[usr]_punch"
usr.icon_state = "[usr]"

First of all , the mob in oview(1) won't work. Can this go inside the ()'s? What should i do to set that?

Secondly using [usr] in the quotes won't work as if I were making text show ... i.e.: "[usr]: [msg]"

i've been around byond for a while but i've really never tried to do much coding. I'm really the artist in the games i do but i'm trying something.

A little help please?

DblClick(mob/M in oview(1))
usr << "They are [M]"
usr.icon_state = "punch"//change your iconstate
usr.icon_state = "you"
In response to Branks
I could have done that but there are a bunch of different users. For example ... Bob and jim. What ever his name changes to i should be able to go

"[name of guy]_punch"
Unowuero wrote:
Heres what i got. Instead of making a attack verb i'm using dbl click.

DblClick(mob in oview(1))
usr << "They are [src]"
usr.icon_state = "[usr]_punch"
usr.icon_state = "[usr]"

First of all , the mob in oview(1) won't work. Can this go inside the ()'s? What should i do to set that?

This won't work because the argument DblClick() takes is not a mob; it's a turf. The argument says what turf is under the object (src) that you clicked on, or null if it's in a stat panel.

For most verbs, a "set src in oview(1)" line would work, but I don't know if the click verbs can be restricted in this fashion.

The correct thing to do is to bail out if src is not in oview(1):
if(!(src in oview(1))) return
...or throw the punch anyway, but do no damage.

Secondly using [usr] in the quotes won't work as if I were making text show ... i.e.: "[usr]: [msg]"

Why are you bothering with "[usr]_punch" as an icon state? Just give players their own icons and use "punch" as an icon state instead.

Lummox JR