Progress on Seika's biggest update ever is going very smoothly, but slowly. Right now we are currently remaking the skill systems. All skills are now based on experience instead of random increases and skills are being turned into minigames, one by one. Currently fishing has gone through this process. When you fish, fish will jump out of the water around you; clicking the fish will catch them.
We have weeks more work left to finish skills completely, but we will get it done soon. We are also remaking every icon in the game. Which is and will be a fun process.
We'll try to keep this blog updated daily as we progress.
- Aaiko, Owner of Iccusion Entertainment
Jul 4 2006, 7:59 pm
Jul 4 2006, 8:16 pm
Ooh nice idea, I like it :D
Which is and will be a fun process. Sarcasm on the internet is to be Itallised. But seriously keep up the good work, Seika is one of my favorite games. |
hmm, That's perty sweet....but Making icons isn't/will not be a fun process >_>.