Hi all i'm using Malver's war demo and i've taken out alot of the procs for a game i'm making.

I'm getting an invalid expression error at this line.

If(O) sleep(O.speed) // Wait before moving the projectile forwards again

Its all indented right and the funny thing is if I coment it out I get another invalid expression error for line 1 of another dm file. Its part of the loop so heres the full code for it.

mob/proc/Fire(var/mob/ch, var/dir)
var/obj/Weapon/O = new /obj/Weapon/SBall
O.dir = ch.dir
O.loc = ch.loc // These top 3 lines create the projectile and place it where the mob firing is
step(O, dir) // Move the projectile forward
var/turf/Y = get_step(O, O.dir)
if(!Y) // If the projectile hits the end of the map...
var/turf/X = O.loc
for(var/mob/M as mob in X) // If another mob is hit by the projectile...
if(M == ch) // Make sure the projectile didn't somehow hit the person who shot it
Damage(M, O.damage)
if(O) sleep(O.speed) // Wait before moving the projectile forwards again

So anyone see the prob?

Well, you have an empty spawn() clause near the end there; that can't be helping matters. Given where your bug is occurring I bet that's it.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Where do i put it? i tried putting it after the last for loop and i got the same error.
In response to Unowuero
Unowuero wrote:
Where do i put it? i tried putting it after the last for loop and i got the same error.

Put what? The spawn()? I have no idea what you're trying to spawn out, which is the real key.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Allright thanks anyways... I'll take it to Malver on my walk home. Since its his code I hope he'll be able to help me.
