var/thepower = pick(/obj/power/moreb, /obj/power/morep)
var/obj/power/P = new thepower(locate(B.x,B.y,B.z))

But nothing appears... Am I doing this right?

Nova2000 wrote:
> BlowUp(obj/B)
> var/thepower = pick(/obj/power/moreb, /obj/power/morep)
> var/obj/power/P = new thepower(locate(B.x,B.y,B.z))

What you can do to check this, is to output to the world the contents of the 'thepower' var before attempting to make a new object. If it's blank or incorrect, then the pick line is not doing what you want it to. But, if it does seem correct, then the 'new' line is not doing what you want it to. At least, that's the way it seems to me.
In response to Mertek
Problem found!

(Note to self: Never delete an object you don't want deleted.)

-<font color="#ffffff">Nova</font>