Mar 2 2003, 12:17 pm
Anyone here know how to make a music spam protector? Or has a demo for one? Let me know thanks
Mar 2 2003, 12:19 pm
How can you even spam with music in the first place?
In response to Kunark
On Icon Trading Games people play music over and over and it comes up on the bottom saying Soultaker plays Blah.midi for us over and over. Also people can stop people by playing there song when someone elses is playign.
So I was hoping for like a timer type thing |
In response to Soultaker
make it so when someone is playing the var music get set to 1 and if other people try to play and the var is 1 then dont let them this isnt that hard
In response to Koolguy900095
im a beginer, sorry if it seemed weird. Jeez ask a question get ya damn head ripped off
In response to Soultaker
i told ur butt the answer and if u need help with vars read the tutorials
In response to Koolguy900095
woah killer!
In response to Soultaker
First of all, he didn't rip your head off... Second he was being good that he didn't because icon trader games are a hated genre on these forums.
In response to Kunark
Genre? I wasn't aware icon traders were worthy to be given their own genre. >=D