if (!_base_player_savefile)
// Put in players/[first_initial]/[ckey].sav
var/start = 1
var/end = 2
var/first_initial = copytext(ckey, start, end)
var/filename = "players/[first_initial]/[ckey].sav"
_base_player_savefile = new(filename)
return _base_player_savefile

// Saves the player's current mob based on the ckey of its name.
if (!mob || !mob.base_save_allowed)

// If we're saving verbs, move them over now.
if (base_save_verbs)
mob.base_saved_verbs = mob.verbs

var/savefile/F = base_PlayerSavefile()

var/mob_ckey = ckey(

var/directory = "/players/[ckey]/mobs/[mob_ckey]" = directory
F["name"] <<
F["mob"] << mob
_base_player_savefile = null

Those 2 codes you should know when a player logs into your game it saves the game so lets say some 1 is host 1 of your games with Deadrons character handling in it once a gm logs in the person host could just goto c://program files/Byond/users/default/my hub/you/your games name/players/L after that it will have the name of the players as in you the gm so the user can copy the name.sav to his name and the first_initial of his name eazy

i have never done this i found it out b4
Littlemagik69er wrote:
Those 2 codes you should know when a player logs into your game it saves the game so lets say some 1 is host 1 of your games with Deadrons character handling in it once a gm logs in the person host could just goto c://program files/Byond/users/default/my hub/you/your games name/players/L after that it will have the name of the players as in you the gm so the user can copy the name.sav to his name and the first_initial of his name eazy

This is only an issue for a very very badly designed GM system. Any such system worth its salt should only assign GM status based on key, and who gets to be a GM should really be the discretion of the host anyway so it's not like this makes a lot of difference.

Lummox JR