proc WriteText2Map(x,y,z,OffSetX,OffSetY,Text) var/i var/cur = 0 var/offset = 0 for(i = 1, i < length(Text), i++) var/statename = "ul_"+copytext(Text,i,i+1) var/obj/Letter/L = new() L.icon_state = statename L.x = x + cur L.y = y L.z = z L.pixel_y = OffSetY L.pixel_x = OffSetX + offset if(offset == 0) offset = 32 else cur++ offset = 0
No errors... compile or run-time... but no text either. The letters are 16x16 (hence the offsets). Any suggestions?
1) The for's < should be <=
2) The offset = 32 should be offset = 16
But those were not the bug causers... the real problem was:
I was doing x = y = z = big NO NO! Like the refrence says, use locate() instead, and that makes a whole lotta difference!
But, it works. Incredible... (I didn't think I could do something like that. Heh. Now to take out all the world << I put in the code for debugging...)