layer = MOB_LAYER+150
icon = 'create.bmp'
Click() usr.NewChar()
density = 1


world << "[usr] has just entered '[]'!"//We tell the world that someone has just joined the game now
usr.sight = 1
// src.Create() //This tells the src to lookup "CreateCharacter"

Start //We use this just in case the character makes a null name and if so we get brought back here.
var/mob/new_mob //We are declaring a new variable called "new_mob" which will be used in alittle minute
var/char_name = input("Please put your character name in here.","Name") as null|text //The player makes their name here
if(char_name == null) //Here we tell the game to make the player rename his/her character if they did not pick a name
goto Start //This makes us go back to the "Start" if the characters name is null
var/char = input(src,"Pick your character!") in list("Half-Demon","Human","Demon") //The player chooses his/her character here
new_mob = new /mob/player/HalfDemon/InuYasha //Looking up the path "/mob/player/human"
new_mob = new /mob/player/Human/Kagome //Looking up the path "/mob/player/monkey"
new_mob = new /mob/player/Demon/Naraku

// src.Logout() //This is what logs out the player from the game is no gender is chosen. = char_name //Here is where we assign the player chosen name to the mob.
new_mob.loc = locate(27,6,1) //Here me make the new player start off at the location of X:1, Y:1, Z:1.
// src.client.mob = new_mob //Here we tell the game that there is a new mob/player in the game

This is my code to click create on a title starts ok but when u click create, nothing happens...i would like help on this.
Take goto out of that code; it has no place in there. Look up while() instead. And please tell me who did the tutorial with that, because I have to slap them. I've seen that way too much.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
So i put while() instead? and i think i got that from Meliffious...and what is while() i never heard of that proc...thanx lummox
In response to YamiGotenks
where would i put while()?