Hello.. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with this coding problem I have.. I want to make it so if you click on a mob, their name will change.. this is what I have so far, but it doesnt work..
icon = 'mobs.dmi'
icon_state = "Sameoldiconstate"
if(usr.roll == Jimmy)
if(istype(src, /mob/other/Mobgoeshere))
src.name = "Jolly Fooz"
src.name = "Jimmy Glicking"
usr.roll += Jimmy
Thanks ^_^
May 9 2003, 10:07 am
MaNiAcK wrote:
Hello.. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with this coding problem I have.. I want to make it so if you click on a mob, their name will change.. this is what I have so far, but it doesnt work.. Right now when you click, that line is the only thing that happens. You probably want to have it also call the namechange() proc. [There are other problems too, but that's the starting thing to fix.] |
In response to Deadron
Alright.. Deadron with a little advice from meh bro Dracon.. I revised meh coding to look like this.. check it out:
TheGreatGazoo icon = 'mobs.dmi' icon_state = "Sameoldiconstate" New() usr.namecheck() Click() knownpeople += "This Guy" mob/proc/namecheck() if(findtext("This Guy",knownpeople)==1) if(istype(src, /mob/other/TheGreatGazoo)) src.name = "PaulRicko!" else src.name = "Jesus" var/list/knownpeople = list() but the name of the character already pops up as "PaulRicko!".. any guesses as meh problem, Deadronny? ^_^ |