Ok. A friend needs help but he claims you people just flame him so I wont mention his name.
Well here's the problem. In the game things can be built (like a house for example) and the house should be saved when the server goes down. That *would* work but when something is build the server crashes (as is just closes the whole game). It might be the building code conflicting with the saving code I'm not sure . Both Green Lime's and Super16's obj saving examples were used and didn't work. So don't bother saying go use one of them.
Anyway here's the code for saving the objects...
var/list/objs = list ()
var/savefile/F = new ("Map.sav")
F >> objs
for(var/obj/Build/o in objs)
o.loc = locate(o.saved_x,o.saved_y,o.saved_z)
return ..()
var/savefile/F = new("Map.sav")
for(var/obj/Build/o in world.contents)
o.saved_x = o.x
o.saved_y = o.y
o.saved_z = o.z
F << objs
return ..()
and this is to build an object...
set category = "Carpentery"
// switch(input("What do you want to build?","Build What?") in list("Bed","Cancel"))
for(O in usr.buildlist)
buildinglist += O
buildinglist += "Cancel"
var/b = input("What do you want to build?","Build What?") in buildinglist
if(usr:lumber >= usr:item_cost)
view(6) << "[usr.name] places a Bed."
var/a = new/obj/Build/bed(usr.loc)
a:owner = "[usr.key]"
usr:item_cost = a:item_cost // Takeing the objs itemcost and showing it on stats var.
usr:totalcost += usr:item_cost // Adding and subtracting with item cost.
usr:lumber -= usr:item_cost
usr.build2 += 1
// SaveObjects()
usr << "Cannot build....."
That is just the code for building a bed.
Anyway anyone know whats wrong? If so want to share it with me?</<>
![]() May 14 2003, 4:31 pm
Lummox JR