So I'm trying to win this contest. You have a template to make a comic with, its only 4 blocks.
This is a rough draft, and I'm trying to get some feedback on it. Obviously it is a comic and should be humorous, but it has to be League of Legends-related so unless you are a player you probably won't understand this.
Pardon my terrible handwriting.
The title is: "Pentakill".
Any C&C regarding the content and the work itself (Obviously it is a WIP, but critiquing the content of the boxes and other possible things that could make better sense in them is fine)?
Jan 26 2014, 12:57 pm (Edited on Jan 26 2014, 1:02 pm)
Haha, this reminds me of when they first started with the contest and I submitted this: comic_text.png
BTW.. What trinket is being shown? |
In response to Akto
The blue trinket, in the second frame.
Closer view: