For some reason GM commands won't appear on this code and I'm pretty sure I got everything right... yes I have recompiled, rebooted computer, restarted Dream Maker and all that:
var/const/MASTER_GM_PREFIX = "\[Master GM] "
var/const/ADMIN_GM_PREFIX = "\[Admin] "
var/const/GM_PREFIX = "\[GM] "
var/const/MASTER_KEY = "Blueseed15"

mob/Login() // Lets check to see if the players who login are a GM or not.
..() // Here we do the default procedure
if(usr.key == "Blueseed15") // Lets look up a key so we can give out GM verbs
usr.verbs += /mob/Admin/verb/Big_Boot // Lets add this verb to the GM
usr.verbs += /mob/Admin/verb/Boot // Lets add this verb to the GM
usr.verbs += /mob/Admin/verb/Reboot // Lets add this verb to the GM
usr.verbs += /mob/Admin/verb/Rename
else // If the players key is not the same as the persons key which is looked up above then the player does not get the GM verbs.
..() // Here we do the default procedure

Big_Boot(M as mob in world) // -- This is the same as "Boot".
set category = "Police"// -- This is the same as "Boot".
if(M:client)// -- This is the same as "Boot".
if(M:key == "Blueseed15")// -- This is the same as "Boot".
usr << alert("You can't boot Blueseed15")// -- This is the same as "Boot".
if(M:key == usr.key)
usr << alert("You can't boot yourself")
usr << alert("You can't boot NPCs")
else// -- This is the same as "Boot".
world << "[usr] sends a spell at [M] so powerful that even [M]'s spirit was destroyed."// -- This is the same as "Boot".
M:Logout()// -- This is the same as "Boot".
del(M)// -- This is the same as "Boot".

Boot(M as mob in world) // Boot verb -- Lets boot the troublesome fellows.
set category = "Police" // This sets the verb to the "Administration" panel
if(M:client) // This checks to see a specific character in the game, client wise.
if(M:key == "Blueseed15") // This checks to see if a certain character is online
usr << alert("You can't boot Blueseed15")// This alerts the user and tells them that they cannot boot whoever the character is that is looked up (For example, I am the person looked up, so therefore I cannot be booted.)
if(M:key == usr.key)
usr << alert("You can't boot yourself")
usr << alert("You can't boot NPCs")
else // If the player looked up is not the one being booted we go on from here
world << "[usr] causes [M] to disappear." // We tell the world that the player is booted.
M:Logout() // We logout the player here
del(M) // We delete the players traces/icon here.

Reboot() // Reboot verb
set category = "Police" // This sets the verb to the "Administration" panel
world << " Reboot!" //This tells the world that there is a Reboot
world.Reboot() // This reboots the world

Rename(mob/M as mob in world, ID as text)
set category="Police"
set desc="Change A Mob's ID"
</<></<></<></<></< ></<>
Blueseed15 wrote:
For some reason GM commands won't appear on this code and I'm pretty sure I got everything right... yes I have recompiled, rebooted computer, restarted Dream Maker and all that:
var/const/MASTER_GM_PREFIX = "\[Master GM] "
var/const/ADMIN_GM_PREFIX = "\[Admin] "
var/const/GM_PREFIX = "\[GM] "
var/const/MASTER_KEY = "Blueseed15"

mob/Login() // Lets check to see if the players who login are a GM or not.
..() // Here we do the default procedure
if(usr.key == "Blueseed15") // Lets look up a key so we can give out GM verbs
usr.verbs += /mob/Admin/verb/Big_Boot // Lets add this verb to the GM
usr.verbs += /mob/Admin/verb/Boot // Lets add this verb to the GM
usr.verbs += /mob/Admin/verb/Reboot // Lets add this verb to the GM
usr.verbs += /mob/Admin/verb/Rename
else // If the players key is not the same as the persons key which is looked up above then the player does not get the GM verbs.
..() // Here we do the default procedure

I am not sure, but I think you should change the "usr"'s there into "src"'s.
In response to Drafonis
In response to Blueseed15
Blueseed15 wrote:

Those should still be src anyway, even if changing them didn't fix your problem. Login() is only slightly usr-safe, and easy to break.

Lummox JR
Blueseed15 wrote:
mob/Login() // Lets check to see if the players who login are a GM or not.
..() // Here we do the default procedure
if(usr.key == "Blueseed15") // Lets look up a key so we can give out GM verbs
usr.verbs += /mob/Admin/verb/Big_Boot // Lets add this verb to the GM
usr.verbs += /mob/Admin/verb/Boot // Lets add this verb to the GM
usr.verbs += /mob/Admin/verb/Reboot // Lets add this verb to the GM
usr.verbs += /mob/Admin/verb/Rename
else // If the players key is not the same as the persons key which is looked up above then the player does not get the GM verbs.
..() // Here we do the default procedure

Two problems: The abundance of usr here is very bad (use src instead), and you're calling ..() twice for reasons I can't fathom.

Big_Boot(M as mob in world) // -- This is the same as "Boot".
set category = "Police"// -- This is the same as "Boot".
if(M:client)// -- This is the same as "Boot".
if(M:key == "Blueseed15")// -- This is the same as "Boot".
usr << alert("You can't boot Blueseed15")// -- This is the same as "Boot".
if(M:key == usr.key)
usr << alert("You can't boot yourself")
usr << alert("You can't boot NPCs")
else// -- This is the same as "Boot".
world << "[usr] sends a spell at [M] so powerful that even [M]'s spirit was destroyed."// -- This is the same as "Boot".
M:Logout()// -- This is the same as "Boot".
del(M)// -- This is the same as "Boot".

That should be mob/M instead of just M, and then you can change all those colons to perions. M:key is dangerous and sloppy; M.key is not. When in doubt, type cast.

Boot(M as mob in world) // Boot verb -- Lets boot the troublesome fellows.

Same deal.

Rename(mob/M as mob in world, ID as text)
set category="Police"
set desc="Change A Mob's ID"

That's the correct way to set up M, in this verb. Do the same in the others.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
The commands STILL won't appear...
In response to Blueseed15
Blueseed15 wrote:
The commands STILL won't appear...

Well, most of the changes I suggested wouldn't affect that, but should be done regardless. However I would think the problem is still in mob/Login() or somewhere related. Is that your only Login() proc? Do you have other stuff involved in the login process?

I'd have to see your updated Login() proc to tell.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
src.oicon = src.icon
src << ""

world << "[usr] has left this world."


name = "Warriors of the Elements (Looking for map opinions, interior turf help, and better name suggestions... ignore the clothlessness for now... please)"
mob = /mob/other/creating_character
view = 6
tick_lag = 2
loop_checks = 0

var/firstletter=copytext(src.ckey, 1, 2)
var/savefile/F = new("players/[firstletter]/[src.ckey].sav")
var/char_ckey = cKey(

var/firstletter=copytext(src.ckey, 1, 2)
var/savefile/F = new("players/[firstletter]/[src.ckey].sav")

if (istype(src.mob, /mob/other/creating_character))
return ..()

return ..()


var/list/characters = src.CharacterList()

var/newCharacterChoice = "New Character"
var/DeleteCharacterChoice = "Delete Character"
var/list/menu = new()
menu += characters
menu += newCharacterChoice
menu += DeleteCharacterChoice

var/result = input("Character Creation", "WoE") in menu

if (result == newCharacterChoice)
if (result == DeleteCharacterChoice)
var/success = src.client.LoadMob(result)

if (success)
alert("Try again")

var/firstletter=copytext(src.ckey, 1, 2)
var/savefile/F = new("players/[firstletter]/[src.ckey].sav") = "/[ckey]"
var/list/characters = F.dir
return characters

var/firstletter=copytext(src.ckey, 1, 2)
var/savefile/F = new("players/[firstletter]/[src.ckey].sav") = "/[ckey]"
var/list/characters = F.dir

var/CancelCharacterDeletion = "Decline"
var/list/menu = new()
menu += characters
menu += CancelCharacterDeletion

var/result = input("Delete character", "Character Selection") in menu

if (result) = "/[ckey]"
if (result == CancelCharacterDeletion)

var/prompt_title = "Character Creation"
var/help_text = "What is your character's name?"
var/default_value = ""
var/char_name = input(src, help_text, prompt_title, default_value) as null|text

if (!char_name)

var/ckey_name = ckey(char_name)
var/list/characters = CharacterList()
if (characters.Find(ckey_name))
alert("There is a player that has chosen that name already. Please choose another well thought of name.")

help_text = "What sex is your character?"
var/list/races = list("Male","Female")
var/char_race = input(src, help_text, prompt_title, default_value) in races
new_mob = new /mob/player/student/boy
new_mob.loc = locate(69,13,1) = char_name

switch(input("What hair style do you want?", "Customization", text) in list ("Short1"))

if("Short1") = "Short1"
var/hairred = input("How much red do you want to put into your hair? (255 is the brightest and 0 is the darkest.)") as num
var/hairblue = input("How much blue do you want to put into your hair?) (255 is the brightest and 0 is the darkest.)")as num
var/hairgreen = input("How much green do you want to put into your hair?) (255 is the brightest and 0 is the darkest.)") as num
var/hairover = 'maleshort.dmi'
hairover += rgb(hairred,hairgreen,hairblue)
new_mob.rhair = hairred
new_mob.ghair = hairgreen
new_mob.bhair = hairblue
new_mob.overlays += hairover
world << "[char_name] has just entered '[]'!"
src.client.mob = new_mob

new_mob = new /mob/player/student/girl
new_mob.loc = locate(69,13,1) = char_name

switch(input("What hair style do you want?", "Customization", text) in list ("Female Long"))

if("Female Long") = "Female Long"
var/hairred = input("How much red do you want to put into your hair? (255 is the brightest and 0 is the darkest.)") as num
var/hairblue = input("How much blue do you want to put into your hair?) (255 is the brightest and 0 is the darkest.)")as num
var/hairgreen = input("How much green do you want to put into your hair?) (255 is the brightest and 0 is the darkest.)") as num
var/hairover = 'flong.dmi'
hairover += rgb(hairred,hairgreen,hairblue)
new_mob.rhair = hairred
new_mob.ghair = hairgreen
new_mob.bhair = hairblue
new_mob.overlays += hairover
world << "[char_name] has just entered '[]'!"
src.client.mob = new_mob

new_mob.oicon = new_mob.icon = char_name
src.client.mob = new_mob
var/turf/first_location = locate(21,9,1)
new_mob.loc = first_location

icon = 'tallbases.dmi'
icon_state= "malebase"

icon = 'tallbases.dmi'
icon_state= "femalebase"


if (!istype(src, /mob/other/creating_character))


F["last_x"] << x
F["last_y"] << y
F["last_z"] << z


F["last_x"] >> last_x
F["last_y"] >> last_y
F["last_z"] >> last_z
loc = locate(last_x, last_y, last_z)


That's only other login stuff...
In response to Blueseed15
Okay, lots of problems in here. You have a lot of Login() procs conflicting with each other, and that's just part of it.

src.oicon = src.icon
src << ""

This is your first mob/Login() proc; you have another one later.

world << "[usr] has left this world."

usr is not safe in Logout()--that should be changed to src.


This Login() is okay because it belongs to a different subtype: /mob/other/creating_character.

Since you're using a character creation system, usr is definitely wrong in the regular mob/Login(). In that case usr ends up being the original mob you logged in with, the /mob/other/creating_character, and it doesn't match src anymore.


Here's your second mob/Login(). This is totally unacceptable; don't set up more than one for the same type.

if (!istype(src, /mob/other/creating_character))

This !istype() check is redundant because this mob will never be a /mob/other/creating_character. The reason is, mob/other/creating_character/Login() never calls ..() (that's a good thing--it shouldn't), so this proc won't ever be called when src is that type.

That's only other login stuff...

I actually asked to see how you'd changed the proc you originally posted, but you didn't post that.

That makes three mob/Login() procs in total, and you need to combine them. The simple problem (now) is that the proc you posted at first is just never getting called because it's in conflict with two others.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
if (!istype(src, /mob/other/creating_character))

so should I delete everything with that? and now another problem, my boots will even work on myself when they aren't supposed to...
In response to Blueseed15
Blueseed15 wrote:
if (!istype(src, /mob/other/creating_character))

so should I delete everything with that?

No, I said the !istype() check is redundant; not that the rest was wrong. Just leave the sample_report() line, but unindent it; remove the if().

and now another problem, my boots will even work on myself when they aren't supposed to...

Let's take care of the GM problem first, unless you've fixed it. Anyway, there's no point bringing this up without some code to look at.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
I fixed the GM problem, therwise boot wouldn't appear at all, so I wouldn't be able to use it, so I wouldn't have a chance of using it on myself, but, I will repost the code:
Big_Boot(mob/M as mob in world) // -- This is the same as "Boot".
set category = "Police"// -- This is the same as "Boot".
if(M.client)// -- This is the same as "Boot".
if(M.key == "Blueseed15")// -- This is the same as "Boot".
usr << alert("You can't boot Blueseed15")// -- This is the same as "Boot".
if(M.key == usr.key)
usr << alert("You can't boot yourself")
usr << alert("You can't boot NPCs")
else// -- This is the same as "Boot".
world << "[usr] sends a spell at [M] so powerful that even [M]'s spirit was destroyed."// -- This is the same as "Boot".
M.Logout()// -- This is the same as "Boot".
del(M)// -- This is the same as "Boot".

Boot(mob/M as mob in world) // Boot verb -- Lets boot the troublesome fellows.
set category = "Police" // This sets the verb to the "Administration" panel
if(M.client) // This checks to see a specific character in the game, client wise.
if(M.key == "Blueseed15") // This checks to see if a certain character is online
usr << alert("You can't boot Blueseed15")// This alerts the user and tells them that they cannot boot whoever the character is that is looked up (For example, I am the person looked up, so therefore I cannot be booted.)
if(M.key == usr.key)
usr << alert("You can't boot yourself")
usr << alert("You can't boot NPCs")
else // If the player looked up is not the one being booted we go on from here
world << "[usr] causes [M] to disappear." // We tell the world that the player is booted.
M.Logout() // We logout the player here
del(M) // We delete the players traces/icon here.
In response to Blueseed15
You can remove the M.Logout(), as del(M) also boots the mob.
The if(!M.key) with the alert isn't needed either because of the if(M.client).
In response to Yoran91
thank you, that fixed the problem