Okay.. I'm trying to make a simple proc for dropping items you have on you, and while everything works, I get a big problem with the icons..

For example, if you buy armor and then log off, when you log on.. you can still drop the armor, but the armor icon stays on your body.. heres my drop code for the armor
usr.overlays -= usr.armour
if(usr.armorer == "Armor")
mofo =new/obj/armor/Armors(usr.loc)
if(usr.armorer == "Armor2")
mofo =new/obj/armor/Armors2(usr.loc)
if(usr.armorer == "Shirt")
mofo =new/obj/armor/Shirter(usr.loc)
usr.armour = 0
mofo:armor = usr.armor
mofo:adurability = usr.adurability
usr.armorcheck = 0
if(usr.armorcolor == null&&usr.armorcolor2 == null&&usr.armorcolor3 == null)
usr.armorcolor = null
mofo:icon += rgb(usr.armorcolor, usr.armorcolor2, usr.armorcolor3)
mofo:armorcolor = usr.armorcolor
mofo:armorcolor2 = usr.armorcolor2
mofo:armorcolor3 = usr.armorcolor3

Now, notice that its trying to remove a variable.. thats because my icon coding is so complex I cant just have every overlay a .dmi form, some have to be objects, or regular .dmis, colored with RGB, and then added into a variable.. I know that if I had all .dmis for my overlays it wouldnt be combining the icon with the overlays, but I was wondering if anyone had a clue on how I could fix this problem another way?


Maniack ^^