I am trying to add this into my combat system so that if the creature is summoned, and it targets its summoning master then it does nothing, and follows its owner but the check is giving me a bad assignment error. First time I've gotten this. This is the code causing it :
if (Summoned == 1 || usr.SummonsMaster=src.key)
I am also trying to get my summoning skills to open up a seperate panel to control the actions of the creature, though I am not quite sure how. I am fairly certain the summoning itself works but as for opening a control panel and having that panel control the pet.. that is a bit beyond me. I have this idea that maybe if I put in a process to check to see if the player has a pet by having it check to see if Summons == 0 and if it doesnt then open a panel to control with that might work for opening the panel but how do I get it to be directed to the creature and make that creature obey. that is something that confuses me.
The only thing I can think of for the basics would to add several types of flags into each creatures base and then somehow make this panel adjust them between 1 and 0 then run a process that will check and adjust the creature accordingly. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated
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