The problem is with using usr in your proc.
In response to Jon88
Jon88 wrote:
The problem is with using usr in your proc.

usr is only 'evil' in procs, this is not a proc this is to do with the client, in whitch usr is valid

As for your problem, I dont know why its occuring but I can try and explain. For some reason it doesn't think the player it self is there, there for its reading null.whatever do you under stand

        var/savefile/F = new(client.Import())
if(src.icon_state == null)
src << "<b>You don't have a character saved</b>!"
src<<"<b>You have continued your old character</b>."
that might work, thats from one of kunarks tutorials (i think) as i dont really use saving that much.
Your problem is that you are using usr in client/New(), which is null until the default action is finished.