The problem is, when you play a card you get to select the slot you want it to go in, and then it goes their and thenit adds a different card to a Field list(mob/var/list/Field = list())but once it goes their it adds a "1" above the card/obj.heres the code(tell me if you need to see more of it)

var/c1 = input(usr , "Attack or Defense mode?")in list("Attack","Defense") switch(c1) if("Attack") usr.Field += 1 = 1 var/O = new /obj/Card(locate(usr.x,usr.y,usr.z)) O:owner = src.defe = 0 if(usr.Player == 1) var/s = input(usr , "Which slot would you like to use")in list("Slot1","Slot2","Slot3","Slot4","Slot5") switch(s) if("Slot1") if(usr.Slot1 == 1) usr<<"That slot is already taken" else played = 1 usr.Slot1 = 1 src.Slot1 = 1 O:loc = locate(usr.x - 2,usr.y + 2,usr.z) usr.Field.Add(src) usr.Hand.Remove(src)

Oy! You mind shrinking that indent? I can't read that.

At first you mentioned "mob/var/list/Field = list()", that will make the type of list a standard variable, and the scope for each mob. var/mob/list/Field = list() will make the scope the entire world, and "Field" will be a list of /mob prototypes.