below is my code. no errors in the debug window but it doesn't update when i run it. can any1 fix it or know what's wrong?

src.client.screen += new /obj/HUD/HPMeter

var/num = 0
icon = 'hpglobe.dmi'
screen_loc = "1,1"
icon_state = "0"
layer = MOB_LAYER+10
width = 16

if(num < 0)
num = 0
else if(num > width)
num = width
src.icon_state = "[round(src.num)]"

Update(mob/M as mob)
for(var/obj/HUD/HPMeter/HPM in M.client.screen)
HPM.num = (src.HP/src.MAXHP)*HPM.width

Why does /mob/proc/Update() have an argument? Try removing that argument, and using src instead of M throughout the proc.

Also, updating it on Stat() will make it laggier. I recommend simply calling it every time the HP changes. The easiest way of doing this is to have a special proc that's the only once that changes HP. If another proc needs to change HP, it calls that HP-changing proc. Then the HP-changing proc can call the mob's Update() proc.
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
Why does /mob/proc/Update() have an argument? Try removing that argument, and using src instead of M throughout the proc.

Also, updating it on Stat() will make it laggier. I recommend simply calling it every time the HP changes. The easiest way of doing this is to have a special proc that's the only once that changes HP. If another proc needs to change HP, it calls that HP-changing proc. Then the HP-changing proc can call the mob's Update() proc.

tried that. doesn't work. the hp meter still doesn't update.
In response to ZDarkGoku
Are you sure that the obj's Update() proc is being called properly? Is the icon state non-existent?

To test those, put a line in /obj/proc/Update() to make sure it's actually being called. Something like this line would do:

<code>world << "[type]/Update(): src.num is [src.num]"</code>

Then we can see if it's actually getting that far, and try to fix it.