I am not sure why, but every time that I try to make a verb that would open a list with all the mobs in world, I get errors such as bad client, or type mismatch.
Could someone please post an example of how to correctly use this list?
For example:
mob/verb/Tell(x as text) {the mob in world} << "[src]: [x]"
how would you correctly create this verb?
---Thank you
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If you want to add all the mobs in the world to a list, do something like this:
<code>var/moblist[0] for (var/mob/M in world) moblist+=M</code>
If you want to display all the mobs in the world, do this:
<code>for (var/mob/M in world) src << M</code>
If you want to make a tell verb, this is one way:
<code>mob/verb/tell(msg as text) set src in world src << "[usr] tells you: [msg]" usr << "You tell [src]: [msg]"</code>
If you want to do something completely different from any of those, please rephrase your question. =)