i have a problem with my HUDbased inventory

here's the error messege

runtime error: list index out of bounds
proc name: Click (/obj/HUD/Menu/Items/Next/Click)
source file: HUD,135
usr: Dark Legend (/mob/Saiyan)
src: (/obj/HUD/Menu/Items/Next)
call stack:
(/obj/HUD/Menu/Items/Next): Click( (8,21,3) (/turf/Pathways/Grass))

here's the proc

icon_state = "Previous"
screen_loc = "6,3"
usr.client.screen -= usr.curitem //remove the currently displayed item
usr.curitemnum-- //find the index of the item "below" the current one
if(usr.curitemnum <= 0) //if it's invalid
usr.curitemnum = usr.items.len //set it to the "top" item
usr.curitem = usr.items[usr.curitemnum] //set the curitem var for future clicks
usr.client.screen += usr.curitem //display the new one

i made usr.items be the item list so it doesn't show everything in usr.contents. when someone picks up an item, i put usr.items += list("[src]").

list/items = new
screen_loc = "7,3"
set category = "Interact"
set src in oview(0)
src.loc = usr
src.items += list("[src]")
usr << "Info: You pick up the [src]."

... blah blah blah

here's the drop part since the equip works already.

if(src.EQUIPPED == "true")
usr <<"Info: You need to unequip it first."
return ..()
if(src.EQUIPPED == "false")
src.loc = usr.loc
usr.items -= list("[src]")
usr << "Info: You drop the [src]."

and this below is the part when you buy something off of an NPC

usr.items += list("[/obj/Equips/SaiyanArmor1]")
ZDarkGoku wrote:
usr.curitem = usr.items[usr.curitemnum]

Try 'usr.curitem = usr.items["[usr.curitemnum]"]'
In response to Yota
Better yet, don't add text to the items list; add the items themselves. Adding the text is sort of silly when you can get access to the actual objects just as easily.
In response to Crispy
ok. Crispy, i took your advice and made it like this.

list/items = new

here's my get verb

screen_loc = "7,3"
set category = "Interact"
set src in oview(0)
usr.items += new src
usr << "<font color=red size=1>Info:</font> <font color=white size=1>You pick up the [src].</font>"

my drop verb is the same but is usr.items -= new src instead of + src.

and here's a sample equipment

name = "White Short Gloves"
icon = 'EQUIPSWhiteShortGloves.dmi'
layer = 6

it still causes an error saying this in-game

runtime error: list index out of bounds
proc name: Click (/obj/HUD/Menu/Items/Previous/Click)
source file: HUD,125
usr: Dark Legend (/mob/Saiyan)
src: (/obj/HUD/Menu/Items/Previous)
call stack:
(/obj/HUD/Menu/Items/Previous): Click( (5,144,7) (/turf/Pathways/Wood))

this is HUD line 125 is bold and underlined

usr.client.screen -= usr.curitem //remove the currently displayed item
usr.curitemnum-- //find the index of the item "below" the current one
if(usr.curitemnum <= 0) //if it's invalid
usr.curitemnum = usr.items.len //set it to the "top" item
usr.curitem = usr.items[usr.curitemnum] //set the curitem var for future clicks
usr.client.screen += usr.curitem //display the new one
In response to ZDarkGoku
ZDarkGoku wrote:
my drop verb is the same but is usr.items -= new src instead of + src.

Eek, no. Scratch the "new" bit. It should just be "usr.items += src" and "usr.items -= src".

As for the runtime error, it's hard to say... could you insert a debug message stating the value of usr.curitemnum at the beginning of that Click() (like <code>world << usr.curitemnum</code>), and post what that debug message says (with that changed Click() so I can see exactly where you've put the debug message in)?
In response to Crispy
i did src instead of new src. the get and drop verbs works ok. but the NPC buy doesn't work. do i put usr.items += new/obj/Equips/BlueShirt? here's the debug messege. i clicked many times it repeats this

runtime error: wrong type of value for list
proc name: Click (/obj/HUD/Menu/Items/Previous/Click)
source file: HUD,127
usr: Dark Legend (/mob/Saiyan)
src: (/obj/HUD/Menu/Items/Previous)
call stack:
(/obj/HUD/Menu/Items/Previous): Click( (4,144,7) (/turf/Pathways/Wood))
runtime error: wrong type of value for list
proc name: Click (/obj/HUD/Menu/Items/Previous/Click)
source file: HUD,127
usr: Dark Legend (/mob/Saiyan)
src: (/obj/HUD/Menu/Items/Previous)
call stack:
(/obj/HUD/Menu/Items/Previous): Click( (4,144,7) (/turf/Pathways/Wood))

here's my previous and next click objs for the screen. line 127 is in bold and underlined.

icon_state = "Previous"
screen_loc = "6,3"
world << "[usr.curitemnum]"
usr.client.screen -= usr.curitem //remove the currently displayed item
usr.curitemnum-- //find the index of the item "below" the current one
if(usr.curitemnum <= 0) //if it's invalid
usr.curitemnum = usr.items.len //set it to the "top" item
usr.curitem = usr.items[usr.curitemnum] //set the curitem var for future clicks
usr.client.screen += usr.curitem //display the new one
icon_state = "Next"
screen_loc = "8,3"
world << "[usr.curitemnum]"
usr.client.screen -= usr.curitem //remove the currently displayed item
usr.curitemnum++ //find the index of the item "above" the current one
if(usr.curitemnum >= usr.items.len+1) //if it's invalid
usr.curitemnum = 1 //set it to the "bottom" item
usr.curitem = usr.items[usr.curitemnum] //set the curitem var for future clicks
usr.client.screen += usr.curitem //display the new one
In response to ZDarkGoku
I'm gonna assume that your curitem is not an mob/obj/var. So, that's why it's not placing it on the screen. Redefine it as:

In response to Goku72
i do have it as a var as an obj.

here's the var


it works now. but when i buy the item off an NPC (which is made as a mob) i use usr.items += /obj/Equips/BlueShirt. it doesn't shows up, i have to create a black shirt and use the my Get verb and get it and it shows up.the blue and black shirt. so the only thing that's wrong now is the NPC buy verb.

name = "\[NPC] Shop Clerk 1"
NPC = "true"
icon = 'MOBS.dmi'
icon_state = "Clerk"
set src in oview(2)
set category = "Interact"
switch(input("Hi there young traveler! What do you wish to buy?","Dragonball Live",text) in list ("Black Ushirt","Blue shirt","Cancel"))
if("Black shirt")
if(usr.ZENNI <= 149)
usr << "<font color=red size=1>You need 150 zennis!</font>"
return ..()
if(usr.ZENNI >= 150)
usr << "<font color=yellow size=1>You bought a Black shirt!</font>"
usr.items += /obj/Equips/BlackShirt
usr.ZENNI -= 150
return ..()

("Blue shirt")
if(usr.ZENNI <= 149)
usr << "<font color=red size=1>You need 150 zennis!</font>"
return ..()
if(usr.ZENNI >= 150)
usr << "<font color=yellow size=1>You bought a Blue shirt!</font>"
usr.items += /obj/Equips/BlueShirt
usr.ZENNI -= 150
return ..()
In response to ZDarkGoku
Try putting: new/obj/clothes/bleh when adding something like that. But, only where the item doesn't already exist.
In response to Goku72
nope. i added new/obj/Equips/blah. still doesn't shows up. Only way for it to show up as to use the Get verb and pick something up and then the new item that you just picked up shows and the old item that you bought shows up too.

buy verb is currently

usr.items += new/obj/Equips/BlueUndershirt
In response to ZDarkGoku
Perhaps you have to force the HUD inventory to update? How does it update when you use Get, anyway?
In response to Crispy
this is my Get verb

set category = "Interact"
set src in oview(0)
src.loc = usr
usr.items += src
usr << "<font color=red size=1>Info:</font> <font color=white size=1>You pick up the [src].</font>"

here's a sample equipment

name = "White Shoes"
icon = 'EQUIPSWhiteShoes.dmi'
layer = 6

since my NPC is a mob, i can't use usr.items += src. i used usr.items += new/obj/Equips/WhiteShoes. when i buy it, it doesn't show up. but if i create a new whiteshoe on the map and use the Get verb to pick it up, both shows up. and it starts working.
In response to ZDarkGoku
ZDarkGoku wrote:
src.loc = usr
usr.items += src

You're actually moving it to the contents of the player there as well as adding it to the items list... perhaps the HUD inventory system needs it to be "inside" the player as well as in the items list?
In response to Crispy
i was thinking about it like that. here's what i tried

O.loc = usr
usr.items += new O

that doesn't works.
In response to ZDarkGoku
I've figured it out. it works now. thanks for all your guys help.