turf pasige icon='stuf.dmi' icon_state="pasige" text="~" density=0 var target="" Enter(mob/O) view() << "[usr] go's into the pasige" O.loc=locate(target) pasige2 var/global/targetcount=64 text="~" New() targetcount=targetcount+1 tag="pasige2_"+ascii2text(targetcount) target="pasige3_"+ascii2text(targetcount) var/O for(var/O1) if(O1:type==/turf/pasige/pasige3) if(!O1:target) O=O1 O:tag=target O:target=tag return ..() pasige3 text="~"
Dec 1 2003, 10:03 am
Tel me wat I did rong and how to fix it. It makes errors and the pasiges dont link tugether. I think it is sumthing inside the for(var/O1) that is stop from working.
In response to sapphiremagus
sapphiremagus wrote:
My english teacher would've had a heart attack reading that post. Aside from barely understanding what you wrote, I'm not entirely sure what it is that you're trying to do. Obviously you're linking a number of passages together. It alredy dus that, but I want it to atomaticly set the target uv new pasige2's to unused pasige3's |
In response to Zzo38computer
Zzo38computer wrote:
sapphiremagus wrote: I will not reply... I will not reply... I will not reply... Ah crap. |
Since I can't be bothered to whine about your absolutely terrible and barely understandable spelling, I'll answer your query.
Change var/O to var/turf/pasige3/O then change all of those 'orrible colons to '.'s. Also, change var/O1 to var/turf/pasige3/O1. Worlds: By the way, your spelling would give my cats a heart attack, and they can't even read. |
Are you trying to make it so that you step on turf A and it warps you to turf B?