What I want to do now, is make it so it appears as if the wave is streaching out, instead of shooting like a missel.
missile(/obj/techs/Kame_Head, usr, M.loc)
Above is the missle proc that creates the kamehameha head that will fly tward the M.target.
icon = 'wave.dmi'
icon_state = "head"
density = 1
O.loc = src.loc
Above is the Kamehamahe head that should fly twards the M. target. As you can see, I tried to make it, so when it is created, and when it moves, it makes a tail, and drops it behind it.
icon = 'wave.dmi'
icon_state = "trail"
density = 0
This is the tail I was talking about. When a new tail is made, it waits a few seconds then del()s itself.
I hope this isn't confusing so far..
Anyways, the head appears just fine and works, but, the tail wont show up. Any suggestions or ideas?